Sunday, 14 November 2010

I wish I was better with words.

I'm really crap at giving advice, telling stories, or saying something to help someone feel better, or to let them know how much I care.
Hugs. And listening. They're things I'm good at.
I would quite happily hold a friend until they can't cry any longer, and then listen to them until they've got everything off their chest.
I'm good at changing the subject too, taking their mind off things.
But you can only really do these things in person. So when my friends who don't live anywhere near to me are having a tough time, I do try to say something to let them know I'm here if they need me, or how I admire how strong they are to deal with whatever they're dealing with, but I always feel like I word it wrong, and because of that I worry that it doesn't sound sincere. Or sometimes, I will sit and stare blankly at my screen for so long trying to decide on what words to use that I end up giving up and not saying anything, which makes me worry that they'll think I don't care.
But I do, so so much. I just don't know how to put that into words.

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